Evolutionary ecology at its best. How to read the study guide. Questions are in (#) Answers from each person are in Letters exp A, B, C...

Monday, March 22, 2010

(6) How are kelp forests similar to tropical rainforests? In what ways do they differ? Be sure to discuss both the physical conditions and adaptations organisms possess to live in each ecosystem.

A. Both kelp forest and tropical rainforests support lots of life. They also have canopy levels top mid lower. They are different in that one is in water and one is on land. Kelp forest supports marine life and rainforests support land life. (give examples when discussing the physical condition and adaptation of organisms in both places)

B.Kelp forest and Tropical rain forest are similar in many ways. In both situations the smallest plant life has to fight to get light. In the tropics the small plants have developed larger leaves with darker chloroplast to catch as much light as they can. In the kelp forest plants also use darker colors. Kelp forests live underwater and the plants have adapted to have ways of transporting air through itself. Tropical rain forests exist on land. Plants have developed shallow roots to take as much advantage of the scarce water as they can.

C.Kelp forest is under water that is made of seaweed. Kelp needs sunlight in order to grow. It also needs a hard surface to grow on. Kelp forest support marine organism. They both helps living organism survive and have territory. The tropical rainforests support land organism. Plant survival in a tropical rainforest depends on the plant's ability to tolerate constant shade or to adapt strategies to reach sunlight. Fungus is a good example of a plant that flourishes in warm, dark places created by the forest canopy and understory. kelp forests are akin to terrestrial forests in providing a range of microhabitats which supports high levels of biodiversity. However, many kelp are vulnerable to climate change as they are restricted to cold, nutrient rich water. Under predicted climate change scenarios (e.g. strengthening of the East Australian Current), both temperature and nutrients (along with other potential stressors of kelp) are all expected to change in ways that would negatively impact kelp. In response to climate change, species will either shift their distribution or adapt (ie. evolve) to the changing environment.

D.Kelp forests are underwater and have adaptations, like kept afloat through buoyancy of gas-filled bladders and the overcome the constraints imposed by gravity. Rainforests need to remain erect against the force of gravity onland with a significant investment in structural materials (cellulose) and conductive tissues. If the kelp is taken out of water, it would fall into a big mass due to lack of cellulose and lignin. Rainforest plants are similar cuz their roots are shallow and receive large amounts of precipitation.

1 comment:

  1. is it true that kelps plants have shallow roots???..or did I just totally make that up?

